The Board of Directors of The Leading for Wellness Foundation (tm) is pleased to appoint Sterling Eddy, CMA, FCMA, FCMC as President and CEO, and a Director of the Foundation.
Mr. Eddy’s distinguished career makes him particularly well-suited to realizing the compelling vision, purpose and expected outcomes of the Foundation. Executive leadership roles held by Mr. Eddy include President, SEC Inc., Chair of Alpine Environmental Limited’s Board of Directors, President and CEO of the Certified Management Accountants of Alberta, President and CEO/founder of The ATi Consulting Corp. Inc., Partner/founder of The Comprehensive Consulting Group, and Principal, Ernst and Young Consulting (Ottawa).
His extensive experience in the corporate governance of organizations has included board chair and major committee roles. Mr. Eddy chaired the board of directors of a major hospital, leading the successful merger of five hospitals and a cancer agency, to establish the QE II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Other board involvement has included Stragitek Solutions Inc., Santech Health Sciences Inc., Southern Alberta Land Trust Society, Alberta Ballet, Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Alberta, Woods Homes (Calgary), Institute of Internal Auditors (Maritimes), and the Strategic Leadership Forum (Ottawa).
A member of the Speakers’ Bureau of Alberta, Mr. Eddy speaks passionately on ethics, leadership and governance.